City Home Page
André Sayegh assumed the office of Mayor of Paterson on July 1, 2018, focusing his Administration on stabilizing property taxes, improving public safety, and driving economic development. He is determined to inspire a renaissance in the third largest city in New Jersey, driven in part through tourism and economic development around the city’s greatest natural resource – the Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park. Mayor Sayegh served on the Paterson City Council from 2008 to 2018, where he helped establish a more business-friendly and family-friendly Paterson. |
Mayor Sayegh graduated with the highest honors from Seton Hall University with a Bachelor’s degree in History. He earned a Master’s Degree in Public Policy and Administration from Columbia University and served as President of the Student Government. Sayegh remains an adjunct professor at Passaic County Community College, where he has taught for 17 years and served as the Director of Job Readiness and Customized Training. Prior to his election to the City Council, Sayegh served on the Paterson Board of Education, as Chief of Staff for State Senator John A. Girgenti, and as a Field Representative for Congressman Bill Pascrell. Paterson is the only home André Sayegh has ever known. He was born and raised in the city where he now raises his three children – two daughters and a son – with his wife, Farhanna. |
City Council
The City of Paterson Municipal Council was created as a result of a 1974 decision to change its form of government from a 1907 statute-based form, to a Faulkner Act Plan-D Mayor-Council Form.
The 1907 statute-based form consisted of various boards. A Board of Aldermen, Board of Finance, Board of Health, Board of Public Works, Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
The Mayor-Council plan consisted of a Mayor and Nine (9) Council members, Six (6) of the members that sit on the Municipal Council represent the Six Wards of the City. The three (3) remaining members are members At-Large. The Municipal Council has the responsibility of reviewing and approving Municipal legislation.
Under the Mayor-Council plan, the Mayor is the chief executive and is responsible for administering the City's activities. The Mayor is elected for a four (4) year term by the citizens and is responsible for them. His function includes enforcing the charter and the ordinances and laws passed by the City Council. The Mayor appoints all department heads including the business administrator, with the advise and consent of the Council He may also remove and or all department heads after giving them notice and an opportunity to be heard.
With the assistance of the business administrator, the Mayor is responsible for preparation of the municipal budget. He submits the budget to the Council along with a detailed analysis of expenditures and revenues. The Council may reduce any item or items in the budget by a majority vote, but can only increase an item by a two-thirds vote.
Boards & Commissions
Select from the list of Boards & Commissions to the left for information including:
- Board Members;
- Meeting Dates; and
- Meeting Documents.
The Business Administrator acts on behalf of the administration at City Council Meetings and coordinates the activities among the various city departments and agencies. In practice, the Business Administrator serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the City of Paterson. |
Kathleen Long |
Community Development
- Community Development
- Division of Housing
- Homeless Emergency Solution Grant Program (HESG)
For more information about the Department of Community Development, please consult our fact sheet.
Economic Development
Paterson, New Jersey's third-largest city, is undergoing a remarkable transformation, poised to become a powerhouse of economic growth and innovation in the Northern New Jersey region. The Department of Economic Development stands at the forefront of this ambitious journey, driving Paterson's evolution into a thriving urban center that offers unparalleled opportunities for residents, businesses, and visitors alike.
A Vision for Prosperity
With a rich industrial heritage and a bright future ahead, Paterson is embracing its potential as a dynamic economic engine. The Department of Economic Development, in close collaboration with Mayor Andre Sayegh, his administration, and the City Council, is crafting a bold and visionary strategy to propel Paterson into a new era of sustainable prosperity.
Comprehensive Approach to Growth
The Department's mission extends far beyond traditional economic development, encompassing a holistic approach to urban revitalization. Through its five key divisions, the Department is orchestrating a symphony of progress:
- Economic Development Division: Spearheading initiatives to attract new businesses, support existing ones, and create a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.
- Planning & Zoning Division: Ensuring smart, sustainable urban development that balances growth with quality of life.
- Historic Preservation Division: Safeguarding Paterson's rich heritage while adapting it for modern economic opportunities.
- Community Improvements Division: Enhancing neighborhoods and public spaces to create an attractive environment for residents and businesses.
- UCC/Construction Division: Streamlining the building process to facilitate rapid, responsible development.
Transformative Initiatives
Under the leadership of Director Tiffany L. Harris-Delaney and Assistant Director Washington Vivero, the Department is launching innovative programs designed to:
- Leverage Paterson's strategic location within the New York metropolitan area
- Capitalize on the city's diverse workforce and cultural richness
- Revitalize the downtown area, transforming it into a hub of commerce and culture
- Develop cutting-edge industries while honoring Paterson's industrial legacy
- Create sustainable, well-paying jobs for residents across all sectors
A Bright Future Unfolding
As Paterson stands on the cusp of a new chapter, the Department of Economic Development is committed to writing a success story that will resonate for generations to come. With a laser focus on innovation, sustainability, and inclusive growth, Paterson is not just rebuilding – it's reimagining what a 21st-century city can be.
As we forge ahead, we invite businesses, investors, and visionaries to join us in shaping a city that will stand as a beacon of urban renaissance and economic vitality in New Jersey and beyond.
The Director of Finance is the Chief Financial Officer of the City of Paterson. The director is the head of the department and, as such, shall supervise and direct all of the operations within the Department of Finance. Additionally, the Finance Director serves as the Custodian of School Funds. The Department of Finance encompasses the centralized municipal finance organization. It provides the framework for the financial support of the City departments and statutory agencies and also assists in providing cost effective services to the taxpayers. |
Javier Silva |
The major financial functions of the department include tax assessment, tax collection, accounting, treasury management, internal auditing, debt management and various billing functions such as sewer fees and ambulance fees. The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for general financial matters such as bond issuance, investments and revenue analysis, to name a few.
We encourage all residents to learn more about the following property tax relief programs available through the NJ Division of Taxation.
Health & Human Services
The mission of the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) is to promote the health, safety, and well-being of the families in our city by providing accessible, equitable, and effective services that improve quality of life. We strive to support and empower people through innovative solutions, compassionate care, and a commitment to fostering a healthier, more resilient society for all.
We achieve our mission through the actual delivery of various programs across our Department.
- Adult Health
- Childhood Lead Poison Control Program
- Environmental Health
- Environmental Food Retail
- Health Educator
- Heat Hotline / Cooling Center Information
- Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Clinic
- Tuberculosis (TB) Chest Clinic
- Vital Statistics
- Well Baby & Podiatry Program
- Financial Empowerment Center (FEC)
- Planning & Program Analysis
- Mercantile Licensing
- Municipal Alliance Prevention Program (MAPP)
- Municipal Identification
- Rent Leveling
- Ryan White Grants Office
- Senior Services
- School Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP)
- Youth Services Bureau (YSB)
Legal Department
The Department of Law, created pursuant to TCOP 5-68 et seq., is the legal advisor to the Mayor, Municipal Council and all City departments, boards, commissions, authorities or agencies except as otherwise provided by ordinance. The Director of the Department of Law is known as the Corporation Counsel. The Corporation Counsel is charged with enforcing all laws and protecting the interests of the City, as well as prosecuting and defending actions and proceedings by and against the City and every City department. |
Aymen Aboushi Corporation Counsel |
Among the wide ranging duties of the Corporation Counsel are:
- Advising the Council committees and City officials upon all legal questions arising in the conduct of City business;
- Preparing or revising ordinances when requested by the Council or any committee thereof;
- Rendering opinions on legal matters or questions submitted by the Council, its committees, or any City officer;
- Personally or by representative attending all City Council meetings for the purpose of giving legal advise;
- Preparing all contracts and instruments to which the City is a party and approving all bonds to be submitted by the city;
- Preparation of all charges and complaints and appearances in court and the prosecution of persons charged with violations of a City ordinance, statute, rule, or regulation;
- Reporting on the outcome of litigation to the Council, the Mayor, and any City official having control of the subject matter of that litigation.
All of the departments and divisions within the City are advised by members of the Corporation Counsel's staff. In addition, members of that staff, under the direction of a Chief Municipal Prosecutor, prosecute all cases in the Paterson Municipal Court on behalf of the City.
Independent authorities or commissions such as the Housing Authority, Parking Authority, Board of Adjustment and Planning Board are represented by separate counsel not under the auspices of the Department of Law.
In addition to those matters which are handled in-house, pursuant to TCOP 5-72, the City retains certain outside counsel. These outside counsel include attorneys handling the defense of tort claims and workers compensation actions, special labor counsel and bond counsel. These outside counsel report to and interface with members of the Corporation Counsel's staff.
Municipal Clerk
![]() |
Jacqueline Murray Acting City Clerk |
- Act as secretary to the municipal corporation and as custodian of the municipal seal and of all minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts and archival records of the municipal corporation. The governing body may provide by ordinance for the other offers to have custody of specific classes of record.
Act as secretary of the governing body, prepare meeting agendas at the discretion of the governing body, be present at all meetings of the governing body, keep a journal of the proceedings of every meeting, retain the original copies of all ordinances and resolutions, and record the minutes of every meeting.
Serve as chief administrative officer in all elections in the municipality, subject to the requirements of Title 19.
Serve as the administrative officer responsible for accepting applications for licenses and permits, and issuing licenses and permits, except where statute or ordinance delegates that function to another.
Serve as coordinator and records manager responsible for implementing local archives and records retention programs as required by Title 47.
Perform other duties currently or in the future mandated by statute, regulation or local ordinance.
Please e-mail your OPRA request to
CLICK HERE to complete the OPRA Request Form.
Click on the image below to register to vote
Municipal Court
Paterson Municipal Court
Virtual Court Sessions Now Available!!
The City of Paterson Municipal Court will be providing virtual court sessions via Zoom.
Please click here and complete the form to request that your matter be scheduled in a Virtual Court session in the City of Paterson Municipal Court. The court will review your request and schedule your matter for a virtual session. You will receive an email confirmation with instructions on how to participate.
For certain cases you may elect to resolve your matter without the need of a virtual hearing by completing the enclosed Plea by Mail form. You may complete the Plea by Mail form and plead either guilty or not guilty. As part of your submission, you are permitted to provide supporting documents and evidence. The Court will review your Plea By Mail form, along with all supporting documents, and any evidence provided by the prosecutor, in making its finding of either guilty or not guilty, and/or as part of the sentence imposed by the Court. You may also contact the prosecutor and negotiate an amendment of the offense charged to a less serious offense, or an offense that carries no motor vehicle points, fewer motor vehicle points, a dismissal or merger of your charges, or a sentencing recommendation for a specific fine or jail term. If you are interested in resolving your municipal court matter prior to your court appearance, please visit All resolutions are subject to the Municipal Court Judge's review and approval.
* Notice to Attorneys - You may complete the same form to request a virtual court date for your client. Please inform your client that he/she does not need to complete the form if you have done so already. You and your client will receive an email confirmation with instructions on how to participate.
To ensure that you are advised and informed of your rights in municipal court, you must watch the New Jersey Municipal Court Opening statement prior to your virtual court appearance. You can watch a video of the New Jersey Municipal Court Opening Statement below or by clicking this link New Jersey Municipal Court Opening Statement
Useful Links / Resources
Statewide Violations Bureau Schedule
Application for Public Defender
Certification in Support of Probable Cause
Online Municipal Case Resolution
For questions regarding virtual court sessions
Call: (973) 321-1515 or e-mail:
For information on Zoom:
Please visit
About Paterson Municipal Court
Paterson Municipal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction, , and has the power to preside over all traffic offenses that occur in this municipality, along with offenses called disorderly persons’ offenses, punishable by up to six months in jail and up to a $1000 fine, and petty disorderly persons’ offenses, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and up to a $500 fine. The court also hears local ordinance violations (violations of local laws), and fish and game violations, and weights and measures violations.
Paterson Municipal Court provides twenty four court sessions throughout the week. There are twenty day sessions and four evening sessions. Paterson Municipal Court also provides designated sessions to address arraignments / first appearances for traffic and criminal matters, (arraignments) domestic violence matters, and driving while intoxicated matters.
The Court also provides the community with a forum for fair and impartial resolution of disputes arising between neighbors, family members and local business owners, through a civilian mediation program. Pursuant to regulations promulgated by the Administrative Office of the Courts, Paterson Municipal Court provides trained mediators to assist with these complaints. Mediators seek to resolve disputes by encouraging discussion between the parties in order to help the parties reach an acceptable agreement.
The Court's five Judges also perform marriage ceremonies and on a rotating basis are available 24 hours per day for restraining orders, search warrants and bails.
The Court has 30 full and part-time employees under the supervision of the Chief Judge. There are five additional Judges, all of whom are appointed pursuant to City Ordinances. There is one Court Director who is responsible for all administrative functions of the Court; one Court Administrator, who is responsible for overseeing the issuance and jurating of all complaints and warrants, as well as supervision of employees; one Violations Clerk whose responsibility is to supervise the cashiers, bookkeepers and employees assigned to traffic matters.
In addition, there are seven (7) deputy court administrators whose primary duties are to assist in Court sessions and prepare a log of court proceedings. There are seven (7) cashiers whose primary responsibility is to receipt all payments made to the Court; and one bookkeeper who is responsible for reconciling all court accounts on a daily basis.
If you are interested in resolving your municipal court matter prior to your court appearance you are free to reach out to the municipal prosecutor to negotiate an acceptable resolution of your matter.
All resolutions are subject to the Municipal Court Judge’s review and approval.
Domenick Stampone
Municipal Court Prosecutor
155 Market Street
PHONE: | 973-321-1515 |
MAIL: | Paterson Municipal Court 111 Broadway Paterson, NJ 07505 |
IN PERSON: | Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM Monday - Wednesday 5:30PM - 8:00PM |
- You are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty without a reasonable doubt.
- You have a right to be informed of the charges against you.
- You have the right to remain silent, and anything you say may be held against you.
- You have the right to retain an Attorney.
- You have the right to be assigned a Public Defender if the Judge determines that you cannot afford an Attorney and there is a likelihood that if you will be convicted, you will either go to jail, receive a substantial fine, or your drivers license will be suspended.
- You have the right to request a reasonable postponement so that you have the opportunity to consult with an Attorney and prepare a proper defense.
- You have the right to testify or not testify on your own behalf.
- You have the right to subpoena witnesses to testify on your behalf.
- You have the right to appeal a decision within Twenty (20) days of conviction.
Parking Authority
The Authority is a public body politic and corporate, organized and existing under the parking authority law. Constituting chapter 198 of the pamphlet laws of 1948, of the State of New Jersey, approved July 2, 1948, as amended and supplemented (The "Act") and created by virtue of an ordinance of the Board of Public Works of the City of Paterson adopted on October 7, 1948. Pursuant to the above referenced ordinance, the City of Paterson has granted the Authority with the exclusive right to operate all city owned parking facilities. |
The Authority is governed by a Board consisting of seven commissioners.
Paterson Museum
From its inception, The Paterson Museum has stressed the educational aspects of its interpretive exhibits. A major strength of the Museum lies in its varied collections, including local archaeology, history, and mineralogy. Paterson has been the birthplace or springboard of many innovators and inventors such as John Holland -"Father of the modern submarine," Sam Colt - who perfected the repeating cylinder revolver, and John Ryle - "Father of the silk industry."
Public Library
Public Safety Department
The mission of the Public Safety Department is to protect and serve the residents of Paterson through the work of four divisions: |
Public Schools
Public Works
The Department of Public Works is responsible for all matters relating to the construction, management, maintenance, operation of physical properties of the City.
In addition we help to prepare plans, specifications and the letting & performance of contracts for all city Public Works or improvements. We also oversee and provide all engineering and mechanical services required by departments, offices, or agencies of the City government.
COVID-19 Updates
Office Limitations Due to COVID-19
As the City of Paterson continues to see increases in coronavirus cases, some high traffic city offices are moving to “appointment only” as of Monday, November 9, 2020 until further notice so as to minimize public interactions wherever possible.
Residents and city employees should use the following phone numbers to schedule appointments to conduct city business in the following offices, or use the following links to find more information:
- Personnel Office – 973-321-1323
- City Clerk’s Office – 973-321-1310
- City Council’s Office – 973-321-1250
- Council President’s Office – 973-321-1210
- See the main City Clerk page for more information.
Community Development
- CD Administration and Paterson Homeowner Rehab Program – 973-321-1212
- See the main Community Development page for more information.
Economic Development
- ED Administration, Historic Preservation, and UEZ – 973-321-1220
- Community Improvements and UCC – 973-321-1232
- Planning and Zoning – 973-321-1343
- See the main Economic Development page for more information on accessing permit applications online.
- Finance Administration – 973-321-1350
- Tax Assessor’s Office – 973-321-1380
- Accounts and Controls Office – 973-321-1304
- Treasury Office and Insurance Office – 973-321-1390
- Records – For incident, offense, and accident reports
- Call 973-321-1160 between 8am and 4pm, Monday through Friday.
- Megan’s Law – Call 973-321-1123
- Between 8am and 4pm, Monday through Friday.
- Gun Permits – Call 973-321-1136 and leave message.
- For general inquiries visit
- For general inquiries visit
- Warrants - If you received a written notification from the Warrant Squad, either by mail, or at your residence, kindly make contact by phone prior to responding to police headquarters.
Call 973-321-1170, or 973-321-1342, between 8am and 3pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday.
Public Works
- DPW Administration - 800 Broadway – for permits & applications; email or call 973-321-1488
- Engineering - 111 Broadway; email or call 973-321-1320
- Traffic – 76 N Barclay St – for permits, handicap applications; email or call 973-321-1392
Click here to visit the Paterson Division of Health for more information.
Click here to visit the New Jersey Department of Health for more information.
To register for a COVID-19 Vaccination please go to
Governor Murphy Executive Orders - updated as of February 3, 2021
- 2/3/2021 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Raising Indoor Capacity Limits from 25 Percent to 35 Percent for Certain Businesses (219)
- 1/31/2021 - Governor Murphy Declares State of Emergency In Response to Expected Winter Storm (218)
- 1/28/2021 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Advancing Health Care Affordability Efforts (217)
- 1/25/2021 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order on Petition Requirements for Upcoming Elections, Including the June Primary Election (216)
- 1/19/2021 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency in New Jersey (215)
- 1/11/2021 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Implement New Policies for the 2020-2021 School Year (214)
- 1/10/2021 - Governor Murphy Directs U.S. and New Jersey Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick and shall remain at half-staff through the day of Officer Sicknick’s interment (213)
- 1/9/2021 - Governor Murphy Directs U.S. and New Jersey Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick (212)
- 12/21/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Postponing Upcoming Elections (211)
- 12/21/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency in New Jersey (210)
- 12/18/2020 - Governor Murphy Lifts Storm-Related State of Emergency (209)
- 12/16/2020 - Governor Murphy Declares State of Emergency In Response to Expected Winter Storm (208)
- 12/4/2020 - Enrolling Residents Who Choose to Receive a COVID-19 Vaccine in the New Jersey Immunization Information System (207)
- 12/3/2020 - Governor Phil Murphy today ordered that the U.S. and New Jersey flags be flown at half-staff at all state buildings and facilities from Friday, December 4, 2020 through Sunday, December 6, 2020, in honor of State Police Trooper Recruit Lucas C. Homeijer. (206)
- 12/2/2020 - the U.S. and New Jersey flags be flown at half-staff at all state buildings and facilities on Thursday, December 3, 2020, in honor of U.S. Air Force Captain Kelliann Leli (205)
- 11/30/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Pausing Indoor Practices and Competitions for Youth and Adult Sports and Lowering Limits on Outdoor Gatherings (204)
- 11/25/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Postponing Special School Elections Scheduled for January 2021 (203)
- 11/25/2020 - Governor Murphy Directs U.S. and New Jersey Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of Former New York City Mayor David N. Dinkins (202)
- 11/24/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Legislation to Bring Changes to the Use of Body Worn Cameras by New Jersey Law Enforcement (201)
- 11/22/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency in New Jersey (200)
- 11/20/2020 - Governor Murphy Directs U.S. and New Jersey Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of United States Air Force Senior Airman Richard Asey Samaroo (199)
- 11/19/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Certain Election-Related Deadlines (198)
- 11/17/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Waiving Statutory Minimum Number of Live Race Dates for 2020 Calendar Year (197)
- 11/16/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Lowering Limits on Indoor and Outdoor Gatherings (196)
- 11/12/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Permitting Municipalities and Counties to Impose Additional Restrictions on the Hours of Operation of Non-Essential Businesses after 8:00 p.m. (195)
- 11/10/2020 - Governor Murphy Announces New COVID-19 Mitigation Measures (194)
- 11/02/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Postpone Perth Amboy Runoff Election (193)
- 10/24/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Protect New Jersey’s Workforce During the COVID-19 Pandemic (192)
- 10/24/2020 - The Order extends the Public Health Emergency that was declared on March 9, 2020 through Executive Order No. 103, which was previously extended on April 7, May 6, June 4, July 2, August 1, August 27, and September 25. (191)
- 10/15/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Utility Shutoff Moratorium Through March 15, 2021 (190)
- 10/15/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending 2019 Corporate Business Tax Calendar Year Return Filing Deadline (189)
- 10/13/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Directing State Agencies to Implement Youth Bias Task Force Report Recommendations (188)
- 10/12/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing the Resumption of Contact Practices and Competitions for Certain Organized Sports in Indoor Settings (187)
- 9/25/2020 - Governor Murphy signs executive order extending public health emergency in New Jersey (186)
- 9/19/2020 - Governor Murphy Directs U.S. and New Jersey Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (185)
- 9/10/2020 - Governor Murphy Orders Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Observation of 9/11 Anniversary (184)
- 9/1/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing the Resumption of Indoor Dining Effective Friday, September 4 (183)
- 8/31/2020 - Governor Murphy Directs U.S. and New Jersey Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of Staff Sergeant Vincent P. Marketta (182)
- 8/27/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing Gyms and Indoor Amusement and Water Parks to Reopen Effective Tuesday, September 1 (181)
- 8/27/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency in New Jersey (180)
- 8/25/2020 - Governor Phil Murphy signed an executive order to make modifications to this year’s primarily vote-by-mail (VBM) General Election (179)
- 8/14/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Certain Statutory Deadlines Across State Government (178)
- 8/14/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Protect Public Health by Mailing Every Active Registered Voter a VBM Ballot Ahead of the General Election (177)
- 8/13/2020 - Governor Murphy Lifts State of Emergency Declared in Response to Hurricane Isaias (176)
- 8/13/2020 - Murphy Administration to Open New Jersey’s Schools For In-Person Instruction Subject to Critical Health and Safety Protocols (175)
- 8/3/2020 - Governor Murphy Declares State of Emergency in Response to Hurricane Isaias (174)
- 8/3/2020 - Governor Murphy Announces Decreased Indoor Gathering Capacity Limit (173)
- 8/3/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing Public Employees to Immediately Enroll in State Health Benefits Program (172)
- 8/1/2020 - The Order extends the Public Health Emergency that was declared on March 9, 2020 through Executive Order No. 103, which was previously extended on April 7, May 6, June 4, and July 2. (171)
- 7/31/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Certain Statutory Deadlines Across State Government (170)
- 7/20/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order which clarifies Executive Order No. 164 and states that the postponement of annual municipal and county party committee reorganization meetings is only applicable to municipal party committees and county party committees that held elections during the July primary elections (169)
- 7/20/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing the Resumption of Contact Practices and Competitions for Certain Organized Sports in Outdoor Settings (168)
- 7/18/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Directing U.S. and New Jersey Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of U.S. Representative John Lewis (167)
- 7/17/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Creating Greater Oversight and Accountability for Federal COVID-19 Resources (166)
- 7/13/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Lifting 50 Percent Capacity Limits on NJ TRANSIT and Private-Carrier Vehicles (165)
- 7/13/2020 - Governor Murphy Announces Postponement of Annual Municipal and County Party Committee Reorganization Meetings (164)
- 7/8/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Requiring Individuals to Wear Masks in Outdoor Public Spaces When They Cannot Social Distance (163)
- 7/2/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency in New Jersey (162)
- 7/2/2020 - Governor Murphy Announces Increased Outdoor Gathering Capacity Limit (161)
- 7/2/2020 - Governor Murphy Directs U.S. and New Jersey Flags to Fly at Full Staff Starting July 3 (160)
- 6/30/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Certain Statutory Deadlines Across State Government (159)
- 6/29/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Temporarily Pausing the Resumption of Indoor Dining (158)
- 6/26/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Establishing Rules for Indoor Dining, Indoor Recreational Facilities, and Individualized Instruction at Gyms and Fitness Centers (157)
- 6/22/2020 - Governor Murphy Announces Increased Indoor and Outdoor Gathering Capacity Limits (156)
- 6/18/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing for Limited In-Person Instruction at Institutions of Higher Education and Trade and Training Schools Beginning July 1 (155)
- 6/13/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing Personal Care Service Facilities to Open Effective June 22 (154)
- 6/9/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Opening Pools Effective June 22, and Opening Additional Outdoor Recreational Businesses (153)
- 6/9/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Lifting Limits on Indoor and Outdoor Gatherings (152)
- 6/4/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency in New Jersey (151)
- 6/3/2020 - Governor Murphy Announces Outdoor Dining Protocols and Process to Expand Premises for Liquor License Holders (150)
- 5/30/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing Resumption of Child Care Services, Youth Day Camps, and Organized Sports Over the Coming Weeks (149)
- 5/22/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Increasing Capacity Limit on Outdoor Gatherings (148)
- 5/18/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Reopen Some Outdoor Recreational Businesses and Activities (147)
- 5/16/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Reopen Charter Fishing and Watercraft Rental Businesses (146)
- 5/15/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing Elective Surgeries and Invasive Procedures to Resume on May 26 (145)
- 5/15/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Protect Public Health by Mailing Every Registered Voter a VBM Ballot or Application Ahead of the Primary Election (144)
- 5/14/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing Beaches, Boardwalks, Lakes, and Lakeshores to Remain Open with Social Distancing Measures in Place (143)
- 5/13/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Permitting Resumption of Non-Essential Construction, Curbside Pickup at Non-Essential Retail Businesses, and Gatherings in Cars (142)
- 5/12/2020 - Governor Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 141 mandating that all local, county, and regional health departments use the CommCare platform to support their contact tracing efforts (141)
- 5/8/2020 - Governor Murphy Names Restart and Recovery Advisory Council (140)
- 5/8/2020 - Governor Murphy Directs U.S. and New Jersey Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of the 75th Anniversary of V-E Day (139)
- 5/6/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency in New Jersey (138)
- 5/4/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Recognize New Fiscal Realities Due to COVID-19 Pandemic (137)
- 5/2/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Statutory Deadlines for Various Environmental Laws (136)
- 5/1/2020 - Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 135, suspending in-person requirements for receipt of a marriage license and marriage ceremonies, and for the receipt of working papers for minors. (135)
- 4/30/2020 - Governor Murphy Directs U.S. and New Jersey Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of Former First Lady Debby Kean (134)
- 4/29/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Reopening State Parks and Golf Courses (133)
- 4/29/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing Electronic Petition Submission and Signature Collection for Initiatives and Referenda (132)
- 4/28/2020 - Governor Phil Murphy today signed an executive order creating a commission charged with advising the administration on the timing and preparation for New Jersey’s recovery from the COVID-19 shutdown (131)
- 4/28/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing Municipalities to Extend Grace Period for May 1st Property Tax Payments until June 1st (130)
- 4/27/2020 - Governor Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 129, which extends Retired Officer Carry Permits by a period of 90 days until after the ongoing Public Health Emergency ends. (129)
- 4/24/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Providing Critical Short-Term Support for Renters (128)
- 4/14/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Certain Deadlines Associated with Rulemaking (127)
- 4/13/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Prohibiting Cable and Telecommunications Providers from Terminating Internet and Voice Service (126)
- 4/11/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Implement Additional Mitigation Requirements on NJ TRANSIT, Private Carriers, and Restaurants to Limit the Spread of COVID-19 (125)
- 4/10/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Establish a Process to Grant Temporary Reprieve to Certain At-Risk Inmates (124)
- 4/9/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Insurance Premium Grace Periods (123)
- 4/8/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Cease All Non-Essential Construction Projects and Imposes Additional Mitigation Requirements on Essential Retail Businesses and Industries to Limit the Spread of COVID-19 (122)
- 4/8/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing Greater Weight Limit for Vehicles Carrying COVID-19 Relief Supplies (121)
- 4/8/2020 - Governor Murphy Announces Postponement of June 2nd Primary Elections until July 7th (120)
- 4/7/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency in New Jersey (119)
- 4/7/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency in New Jersey (119)
- 4/7/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Closing State and County Parks to Further Social Distancing (118)
- 4/7/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Waiving Student Assessment Requirements for 2019-2020 School Year (117)
- 4/7/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Statutory Deadlines for School Districts Whose Elections Were Moved from April to May (116)
- 4/4/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Strengthen COVID-19 Response Efforts by Allowing Certain Retirees to Return to Public Employment (115)
- 4/3/2020 - Governor Murphy Directs U.S. and New Jersey Flags to Fly at Half-Staff Indefinitely in Honor of Those Who Have Lost Their Lives or Have Been Affected by COVID-19 (114)
- 4/2/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Authorizing Commandeering of Property Such as Medical Supplies (113)
- 4/1/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Remove Barriers to Health Care Professionals Joining New Jersey's COVID-19 Response and Provide Protections for Front Line Health Care Responders (112)
- 3/28/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Directing Health Care Facilities to Report Data, Including PPE Inventory and Bed Capacity, On a Daily Basis (111)
- 3/25/2020 - Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Requiring Child Care Centers Close on April 1 Unless Serving Children of Essential Workers (110)
- 3/23/2020 - Governor Murphy Suspends All Elective Surgeries, Invasive Procedures to Preserve Essential Equipment and Hospital Capacity (109)
- 3/21/2020 - Governor Murphy invalidates any county or municipal restriction that in any way will or might conflict with any of the provisions of Executive Order No. 107 (108)
- 3/21/2020 - Governor Murphy directs all residents to stay at home until further notice (107)
- 3/19/2020 - Governor Murphy Enacts Moratorium on Removals of Individuals Due to Evictions or Foreclosures (106)
- 3/19/2020 - Governor Murphy Announces Changes to Upcoming New Jersey Elections in Response to COVID-19 (105)
- 3/16/2020 - Governor Murphy Announces Aggressive Social Distancing Measures to Mitigate Further Spread of COVID-19 in New Jersey (104)
- 3/9/2020 - Governor Murphy declares a State of Emergency and a Public Health Emergency, effective immediately (103)
More information coming soon!
Recent News
- Zoning Permit ApplicationZoning Permit Application
- 2025 RFP for Opioid Response Team (ORT) Outreach Partners2025 RFP for Opioid Response Team (ORT) Outreach Partners (Announcement, Questions, Coverpage, and Docu
Upcoming Events
- Autism Awareness Flag Raising 2025 (Public School #2)04/01/2510:00 am - 11:30 am
- Planning Board Meeting04/02/256:30 pm - 11:59 pm
- Planning Board Meeting04/07/256:30 pm - 11:59 pm
- Workshop Session - Approval of Expenditures & Disbursements04/08/256:30 pm - 11:59 pm
- Regular Meeting04/15/257:00 pm - 11:59 pm
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- Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM Seasonal Weekend Hours: Saturday/Sunday 12:30-4:30PM
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