Municipal Court
Paterson Municipal Court
Virtual Court Sessions Now Available!!
The City of Paterson Municipal Court will be providing virtual court sessions via Zoom.
Please click here and complete the form to request that your matter be scheduled in a Virtual Court session in the City of Paterson Municipal Court. The court will review your request and schedule your matter for a virtual session. You will receive an email confirmation with instructions on how to participate.
For certain cases you may elect to resolve your matter without the need of a virtual hearing by completing the enclosed Plea by Mail form. You may complete the Plea by Mail form and plead either guilty or not guilty. As part of your submission, you are permitted to provide supporting documents and evidence. The Court will review your Plea By Mail form, along with all supporting documents, and any evidence provided by the prosecutor, in making its finding of either guilty or not guilty, and/or as part of the sentence imposed by the Court. You may also contact the prosecutor and negotiate an amendment of the offense charged to a less serious offense, or an offense that carries no motor vehicle points, fewer motor vehicle points, a dismissal or merger of your charges, or a sentencing recommendation for a specific fine or jail term. If you are interested in resolving your municipal court matter prior to your court appearance, please visit All resolutions are subject to the Municipal Court Judge's review and approval.
* Notice to Attorneys - You may complete the same form to request a virtual court date for your client. Please inform your client that he/she does not need to complete the form if you have done so already. You and your client will receive an email confirmation with instructions on how to participate.
To ensure that you are advised and informed of your rights in municipal court, you must watch the New Jersey Municipal Court Opening statement prior to your virtual court appearance. You can watch a video of the New Jersey Municipal Court Opening Statement below or by clicking this link New Jersey Municipal Court Opening Statement
Useful Links / Resources
Statewide Violations Bureau Schedule
Application for Public Defender
Certification in Support of Probable Cause
Online Municipal Case Resolution
For questions regarding virtual court sessions
Call: (973) 321-1515 or e-mail:
For information on Zoom:
Please visit
About Paterson Municipal Court
Paterson Municipal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction, , and has the power to preside over all traffic offenses that occur in this municipality, along with offenses called disorderly persons’ offenses, punishable by up to six months in jail and up to a $1000 fine, and petty disorderly persons’ offenses, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and up to a $500 fine. The court also hears local ordinance violations (violations of local laws), and fish and game violations, and weights and measures violations.
Paterson Municipal Court provides twenty four court sessions throughout the week. There are twenty day sessions and four evening sessions. Paterson Municipal Court also provides designated sessions to address arraignments / first appearances for traffic and criminal matters, (arraignments) domestic violence matters, and driving while intoxicated matters.
The Court also provides the community with a forum for fair and impartial resolution of disputes arising between neighbors, family members and local business owners, through a civilian mediation program. Pursuant to regulations promulgated by the Administrative Office of the Courts, Paterson Municipal Court provides trained mediators to assist with these complaints. Mediators seek to resolve disputes by encouraging discussion between the parties in order to help the parties reach an acceptable agreement.
The Court's five Judges also perform marriage ceremonies and on a rotating basis are available 24 hours per day for restraining orders, search warrants and bails.
The Court has 30 full and part-time employees under the supervision of the Chief Judge. There are five additional Judges, all of whom are appointed pursuant to City Ordinances. There is one Court Director who is responsible for all administrative functions of the Court; one Court Administrator, who is responsible for overseeing the issuance and jurating of all complaints and warrants, as well as supervision of employees; one Violations Clerk whose responsibility is to supervise the cashiers, bookkeepers and employees assigned to traffic matters.
In addition, there are seven (7) deputy court administrators whose primary duties are to assist in Court sessions and prepare a log of court proceedings. There are seven (7) cashiers whose primary responsibility is to receipt all payments made to the Court; and one bookkeeper who is responsible for reconciling all court accounts on a daily basis.
If you are interested in resolving your municipal court matter prior to your court appearance you are free to reach out to the municipal prosecutor to negotiate an acceptable resolution of your matter.
All resolutions are subject to the Municipal Court Judge’s review and approval.
Domenick Stampone
Municipal Court Prosecutor
155 Market Street
PHONE: | 973-321-1515 |
MAIL: | Paterson Municipal Court 111 Broadway Paterson, NJ 07505 |
IN PERSON: | Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM Monday - Wednesday 5:30PM - 8:00PM |
- You are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty without a reasonable doubt.
- You have a right to be informed of the charges against you.
- You have the right to remain silent, and anything you say may be held against you.
- You have the right to retain an Attorney.
- You have the right to be assigned a Public Defender if the Judge determines that you cannot afford an Attorney and there is a likelihood that if you will be convicted, you will either go to jail, receive a substantial fine, or your drivers license will be suspended.
- You have the right to request a reasonable postponement so that you have the opportunity to consult with an Attorney and prepare a proper defense.
- You have the right to testify or not testify on your own behalf.
- You have the right to subpoena witnesses to testify on your behalf.
- You have the right to appeal a decision within Twenty (20) days of conviction.
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Contact Us
Court Administrator
Paterson, NJ 07505
- Phone: (973) 321-1515
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm