Historic Preservation

Who We Are

The Commission is a municipal statutory body of seven regular members and two alternate members with diverse qualifications/experience related to historic architecture, building design, construction and materials, as well as history. At least two are professional members who practice architecture, engineering, architectural history, or historic architecture. Other members may also have academic accomplishments and experiences in these fields, and have demonstrated a knowledge or an interest in the history and heritage of Paterson. Most members are Paterson residents, but not all are required to be. Qualification standards and residency requirements of commissioners are stipulated by NJ zoning law.  All members serve as volunteers and are appointed by the Mayor, serving four-year (regulars) or two-year (alternates) terms.

  • The Commission is charged with evaluating, promoting, and preserving the City's historic environment. This is accomplished through a variety of programs, such as historic landmark designation, seasonal educational tours, events, and the annual Historic Preservation Awards.
  • The Commission is empowered with a specific role in municipal land use and building permits with respect to applications for proposed alterations to the exterior of structures within any municipally-designated historic district, or on any municipally-designated individual landmark or site. To carry this out, the Commission advises the Division of Planning and Zoning, the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment on zoning applications for development, and also reviews all building permit applications presented through the Division of Community Improvements. Applicants can download design standards, design guidelines and application forms from the Document Center link on this page. All posted historic preservation related documents and forms begin with the identifier "HPC." The application forms are PDF files that can be filled out directly on your computer through Adobe Acrobat Reader v9.0 or higher.
  • The Commission meets on the third or fourth Monday of each month in a public session to conduct its business. A schedule of regular meeting dates is published annually, and agendas for the each meeting are posted in advance at the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 3rd Floor. Meetings are held at Paterson City Hall, 3rd Floor Council Chambers, 155 Market St., Paterson, NJ 07505, convening at 6:30PM. All are invited to attend.

HPC Meeting Dates - August 2024 through July 2025

HPC Application Deadlines - August 2024 through July 2025

Facebook IconThe Historic Preservation Commission is now on Facebook! Please Like & Share our page!

Members of the Historic Preservation Commission

Joyce A. Corbo, Chair
Kenneth A. Simpson, Vice Chair
Mohammed Ahmed, Nakima Redmon,
Kelly C. Ruffel, Will Tate, Richard Walter,
Maribel Garcia-Leon, Alternate

 Staff of the Historic Preservation Commission

Gianfranco Archimede, Executive Director
Banessa Ramirez, Historic Preservation Specialist
Ben-David Seligman Esq., Counsel

HPC Meeting Agenda January 27, 2025

UGRR Website Link FINAL

Historic Preservation Review Process
Step 1: Research the Property Address.
Is the property registered as historic, or in a registered historic district?
Check it out to see if it appears on the following list/register.

Step 2: Does your project follow the DESIGN GUIDELINES
of the historic district where your property is located?
Great Falls Historic District Design Guidelines, 1996
Step 3: File an APPLICATION to the HPC
Application for Historic Landmarks (Nominate/Designate a site and/or building)
(PLEASE NOTE: ALL demolitions within the City of Paterson require approval from HPC, regardless of location)
(regarding HPC Reviews & Applications)

For further information on the Historic Preservation Commission: please contact the HPC Staff at 973.321.1220 or visit their website.